Wheelmap is a map for wheelchair accessible places.

What is Wheelmap.org?

With Wheelmap, everyone can easily find places, enter them and rate them using a simple traffic light system – worldwide.
Currently, over 3 million cafés, libraries, swimming pools and many other publicly accessible places are recorded.

Wheelmap is available in 33 languages.

Wheelmap – how it works

Wheelmap is based on the OpenStreetMap. A simple traffic light system indicates the wheelchair accessibility of a location. With a few clicks the rating can be saved by the users: Green indicates step-free access. Places marked in orange are partially accessible and places shown in red are not accessible. WCs can also be rated and photos uploaded.

Wheelmap on the go

With the free app for Android and iOS smartphones, you are always well equipped to find and rate wheelchair-accessible places on the go.

Users about Wheelmap

Do you want to join the movement?

There are many ways to get involved in the Wheelmap.org project. You can start mapping at any time, organize a Wheelmap group mapping campaign, recommend the Wheelmap to others and tell your network that the Wheelmap exists.


Was geht Was geht? Ich sags dir ganz konkret

A person sitting in a wheelchair explains something to bystanders. Text: Wheelmap Ambassador Program 2021

Wheelmap Ambassador Program 2021

Become part of an international community and advocate for wheelchair accessibility. In this program, you will learn everything about Wheelmap and accessibility. Upon finishing this program, you will become

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Here we publish the latest developments on Wheelmap and report on our campaigns. Also we keep an eye on what else is happening in the community.

Screenshot of Wheelmap.org. An arrow points to the mapbox logo in the bottom left.

How Mapbox makes Wheelmap.org what it is.

Wheelmap.org is the map for wheelchair-accessible places. Anyone can easily find places, enter them and rate them using a traffic light system – worldwide and free of charge. This is only possible thanks to the incredible support of Mapbox.

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Why Wheelmap?

Accessibility info

Over 15% of the world's population has a disability. Information on accessibility is very important for this group of people and at the same time difficult to find. With Wheelmap.org we want to close the information gap on accessibility.

Responsibility for diversity

Taking a stand for diversity in society and actively promoting it is more important than ever. Wheelmap.org wants to set an example that people with different backgrounds and abilities naturally belong to it.

Equal participation

The Disability Rights Convention states that all people have a right to equal participation. At Wheelmap.org, people with and without mobility impairments can participate and awareness for accessibility in society is raised.


If you have any questions, please feel free to write to us here. We are also happy if you report about your engagement with Wheelmap after your activity.

Cover image: Lukas Kapfer